
‘Buzz me in:’ Bees wearing itty bitty QR codes reveal hive secrets

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Several hundred bees in rural Pennsylvania and rural New York are sporting tiny QR codes on their backs. More than the latest in apiarian fashion, the little tags serve a scientific purpose: tracking when bees go in and out of their hives to better understand how long honey bees spend foraging for food outside of their hives. The work, a collaboration among entomologists and electrical engineers at Penn State, is the first step in solving a long-standing mystery of how far bees travel from their hives to collect pollen and nectar…

Read more HERE!



Bees set up hive in cello in West Bridgford garden

A professor has given a colony of honey bees a cello in which to set up their hive.

Martin Bencsik, from Nottingham Trent University, is researching the vibrations and sounds made by the bees using the instrument in his West Bridgford garden.

He also hopes to raise awareness about the decline of the species.

Dr Bencsik said: “We hope people will find it beautiful and convey the message they need to be looked after.”

Check out the video in the link here!



TBC Presents: Candle Making Workshop!

Missed our candle making workshop in May? Toronto Beekeepers Collective is excited to host another workshop in November!

WHEN: Wednesday, November 13th (7p -8:45p)
WHERE: 348 Danforth Ave. (The Big Carrot)
PRICE: $40 for non-members, $35 for members

Participants will learn how to make 3 types of candles—tea lights, rolled candles, and molded candles . Everyone will be able to take home 2 tea lights, 2 rolled candles and a small molded candle and knowledge about how to make more candles on their own.

For added enjoyment, we will be sampling a variety of honeys from other countries and from our own hives right here

TO REGISTER: Please contact Nancy at
Remember that your registration is not complete and your space is not reserved until we receive payment. You can send an e transfer to:

This workshop WILL sell out and space is limited. Email us to reserve your spot today!



The Ontario Science Centre is a big part of the Toronto Beekeepers Collective. We have some of our hives there and provided meet and greets during the summer to teach the public about bees. Please take some time to sign the petition below.

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In Loving Memory: Gita Schwartz

It is with great sorrow to share the death of one of our Toronto Beekeeping Collective members , Gita Schwartz. Gita joined the TBC in 2019 and was an engaged and very committed member who loved bees. She served on the Equipment, Education and Governance committees, and since 2023 was a member of the Board. She was a regular and enthusiastic contributor at special events at Ontario Science Centre, Downsview and at monthly and annual member meetings. She will be greatly missed!

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Battleship Texas welcomes an unexpected stowaway: two honeybee colonies

We thought we would share this very cool story out of Texas from April! Click the link below to read more!