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In Loving Memory: Gita Schwartz

It is with great sorrow to share the death of one of our Toronto Beekeeping Collective members , Gita Schwartz. Gita joined the TBC in 2019 and was an engaged and very committed member who loved bees. She served on the Equipment, Education and Governance committees, and since 2023 was a member of the Board. She was a regular and enthusiastic contributor at special events at Ontario Science Centre, Downsview and at monthly and annual member meetings. She will be greatly missed!

One reply on “In Loving Memory: Gita Schwartz”

I had known Gita since the 1990’s, was one of her teachers in her training as a Feldenkrais Practitioner, and became her friend. She often brought me honey from her work in the collective. In the last years she lived across the street from me, taught classes in my studio and was a great cultural guide for me. She always found extraordinary performances for us to attend. I miss her and therefore it was truly touching surprise to see her smiling from this web site. She was an extraordinary woman. Thank you for honoring her.

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